Friday, November 2, 2018

Timer Function應用(aTimerRepeatStart)

Suppose we would like to do something periodically in our embedded system.

Without Timer Function:
1. Add a time variable
2. Compare time variable with  system time in a main loop.
3. If timeout happens, then do something; if not, go to step 2.

With aTimerRepeatStart function:

Simply one line code to achieve it :

aTimerRepeatStart(Id, 3000, Do_Something_Function_Pointer);

The advantage by using Timer Library is that
1. Code is clear and simple
2. Code is not spread everywhere.
3. Easy to do platform porting

不過前提就是要有加這些Timer fucntion了...廢話...。

Keyword: Scaler, Monitor Firmware, Timer.

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